B2B Marketing Consulting & Agency Services Blog

B2B Marketing Strategy & Managed Services Blog Tag: b2b marketing strategy

7 B2B Marketing Steps for Fueling Sustainable, Double-Digit Growth

Sean Parnell - Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Woman at a desk with marketing tactics icons

From manufacturing to software developers to professional services to contractors, breaking through competitor noise in the B2B marketing landscape isn’t easy, but it’s essential for growth. Picture this: you’re not just aiming for incremental gains but for sustainable, double-digit growth that propels your business forward.

Achieving this requires more than just surface-level tactics. It’s about diving deep into market research, crafting compelling stories, and executing a balanced mix of inbound and outbound strategies. Here are seven essential steps that will transform your B2B marketing efforts into results you can measure by leads and sales, not noise.

1. Marketing Strategy

An effective marketing strategy isn’t something you can whip up after a few sales calls.

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Don’t Mistake Random Acts of Marketing for a B2B Marketing Strategy

Raven Chapman - Monday, July 15, 2024

Lightbulb idea sheets

Without a strategy, B2B marketing can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack while wearing oven mitts. Many small and midsize businesses jump from idea to idea, hoping to stumble upon a winning effort.

They often end up hiring B2B marketing agencies that design eye-popping graphics but go lightly around the whole “strategy” part.

Spoiler alert: it’s not great for your business.

The High Cost of Random Acts of Marketing

Many businesses have been let down by marketing efforts that lack a guiding strategy. We’ve seen it all — a hodge-podge of sporadic, opportunistic, and often expensive tactics that produce little return. These “random acts of marketing” are disjointed,

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