B2B Marketing Consulting Agency Blog

Is It Time to Audit Your Nonprofit Website?

Raven Chapman - October 6, 2021 3:48 pm

Nonprofit website

Grant audits, financial audits, program audits – the nonprofit world is full of these often arduous reviews – but when it comes to auditing your digital marketing, we can make it easy for you to undertake this critical step to ensure your website is pulling its weight. Learn why website audits are a critical step for nonprofits.

Many nonprofits have a website that was developed years ago and haven’t touched it since. As a result, digital marketing has fallen to the wayside for many 501(c)(3) organizations who are rightly focused on the reach, mission and impact of their organizations. We get it: with so much going on, it can sometimes feel as if you don’t have the time to make your website and digital communication a priority. But to reach the full potential of your organization, creating a strategic digital presence is crucial.

A marketing audit is a fast, clear-cut and effective way to learn what’s working – and what isn’t – within your marketing department. But don’t stress – this isn’t that kind of audit.

What Is a Digital Marketing Audit?

Think of an audit as a tune-up of your existing marketing strategies.

An experienced marketing partner will dive into the design, structure, and analytics of your site; at the end of an audit, you should receive detailed findings and recommendations that, once prioritized by you, can become your marketing plan for the next year or more.

How Do We Know If We Should Audit Our Site?

Annual marketing audits can provide key insights into your marketing efforts, but here are a few signs that you may be overdue:

You Haven’t Updated Your Site in a Few Years

It’s common for website updates to sit on the backburner, but letting it simmer for more than a few months can negatively impact its reach, functionality and more.

You Don’t Have a Dedicated Site Manager

Many nonprofit employees wear multiple hats within the organization, making it hard to dedicate a lot of time to site management. A marketing audit can help you quickly determine what needs attention on the site.

You Haven’t Calculated Your Return on Mission (ROM)

Investment is important, but when it comes to a nonprofit’s purpose, mission is what matters. How is your website supporting your mission? Is it providing the return that you need and expect? If you haven’t calculated your ROM, a marketing audit is a great way to do so.

A Well-Crafted Website Pays Its Way

Unlike business-to-business marketing (another specialty of ours), nonprofit marketing focuses on both the return on investment (ROI) and the return on mission (ROM). At the heart of a nonprofit’s digital presence is the goal to expand the impact of the organization – and attracting donors and volunteers is critical to this process.

With the right digital tools at your fingertips, your website will work for you, and not the other way around – in fact, a well-working website is like having an employee who never clocks out. For organizations that run lean, the right digital strategy can provide high ROI and ROM, attracting donors, providing key resources to clients, and more – all without breaking the bank.

Work with An Experienced Nonprofit Marketing Partner

Innovaxis is a marketing consulting agency with deep expertise in nonprofit marketing. We understand the nuances of 501(c)(3) organizations and their needs, working closely with clients to expand the reach of their impact, attract top donors, and establish a digital presence that matches their on-the-ground mission.

We help you fine-tune your messaging to better reach the audience of donors best suited to your organization’s needs. During a comprehensive site audit, we will look under the hood of your website to identify things like:

  • How much “traffic” does your site experience – and how are visitors finding you?
  • Is your current search engine optimization (SEO) working effectively?
  • How can you better refine the messaging of your site to communicate your mission and impact to potential donors, volunteers, and clients?
  • Is your ROI and ROM high?

Ready to Get Started?

The Innovaxis team can help you with all of this – and more. We work hard to bring affordable, effective nonprofit marketing services to organizations across the globe.