B2B Marketing Consulting Agency Blog

7 B2B Marketing Steps for Fueling Sustainable, Double-Digit Growth

- September 4, 2024 11:50 am

Woman at a desk with marketing tactics icons

From manufacturing to software developers to professional services to contractors, breaking through competitor noise in the B2B marketing landscape isn’t easy, but it’s essential for growth. Picture this: you’re not just aiming for incremental gains but for sustainable, double-digit growth that propels your business forward.

Achieving this requires more than just surface-level tactics. It’s about diving deep into market research, crafting compelling stories, and executing a balanced mix of inbound and outbound strategies. Here are seven essential steps that will transform your B2B marketing efforts into results you can measure by leads and sales, not noise.

1. Marketing Strategy

An effective marketing strategy isn’t something you can whip up after a few sales calls. Just as you would conduct financial due diligence before making any significant purchase, strategic marketing requires thorough due diligence. This begins with a comprehensive marketing audit and plan.

Market research is akin to insurance for making informed decisions. Through hundreds of market research projects, interviewing prospects and customers has helped our clients confirm some strategies and challenge others, with a trove of fresh insight and feedback.

2. Brand Storytelling

Foundational messaging that illustrates your understanding of your prospect’s primary challenges is key to success – without it, your audience simply won’t care.

Your brand story should lead with the problems you solve and the opportunities you create, explaining how you achieve this and providing evidence of your success. Case studies, testimonials, and reviews serve as social proof that reinforces your claims. A compelling brand story helps differentiate your business and build trust with potential customers.

3. Inbound Marketing

Building on your brand storytelling, inbound marketing involves creating thought leadership content that educates and engages your audience. This includes blogs, guides, eBooks, calculators, videos, and other resources.

Leveraging SEO, content syndication, and social media repurposing enhances your content’s reach. Google Ads, LinkedIn campaigns, and other PPC campaigns can generate leads while you build your digital presence and organic traffic. Traditional, highly targeted advertising, such as industry association publications, can also be effective for driving your target market to your website.

Trending: great content and onsite SEO are no longer enough to rank for challenging and popular keywords – content syndication with anchor links from websites with a higher profile than yours have become absolutely essential.

4. Outbound Marketing

Waiting for prospects to find you online, however, is not enough. While we don’t recommend cold calling, repurposing thought leadership content in email campaigns and, occasionally, direct mail can be effective.

Consistency is key — sending one email won’t suffice. Instead, offer value through education, invitations to webinars, special offers, and more. Market research prospecting is superior to cold calling as it educates you about your market while simultaneously identifying leads through questions instead of pushing solutions.

5. Ecommerce

Selling products and services on your website can complement your existing sales channels without causing conflict. This creates a new revenue stream and expands your market reach. Implementing a well-designed ecommerce platform ensures a seamless buying experience for your customers, fostering loyalty and repeat business.

6. Blue Ocean Strategy

A Blue Ocean Strategy helps identify untapped markets for your existing solutions and new, adjacent solutions. By exploring these opportunities, you can differentiate your business and reduce competition. This strategic approach encourages innovation and drives growth by creating new demand in an uncontested market space.

7. A B2B Marketing Partnership

Finding a B2B marketing partner with the right experience and proven results is essential for successfully implementing these strategies. A reliable partner will help you navigate the complexities of B2B marketing and ensure that all aspects of your marketing plan are executed effectively.

The Investment & ROI of Effective B2B Marketing

Investing in a strategic marketing audit and plan will provide you with valuable insights and a clear path forward within a month. This includes customer and prospect interviews, as well as website and competitor audits. Schedule a meeting to learn more and see examples.

Investing $4-6k per month in a custom marketing program, based on your strategic marketing audit and plan, can generate double-digit revenue growth with a 300%+ ROI within the first 12-18 months. This sustainable growth strategy ensures your business remains competitive and continues to thrive even when market conditions change.

A Marketing Partner that Delivers Results

Innovaxis will partner with you to elevate your thought leadership, demand generation, and customer acquisition through a strategic, customized marketing program. Starting with a thorough marketing audit, we will create a strategic marketing plan for the best way to achieve your goals.

Innovaxis clients consistently see a 300%+ ROI within 12-18 months, thanks to our deep understanding of diverse B2B industries, strategic approach, and commitment to growing together. If you’re ready for a marketing partner who takes the time to truly understand your business, let’s talk.

Learn more about our strategic marketing services